Saturday, July 26, 2014

Woking 2 jobs to survive in this economy sucks

Hey everyone been away for awhile, sorry about that just been so busy with 2 jobs and a week old daughter, my baby girls not the issue its the working from 7 am in the morning untill 1130pm at night that really starting to get to me. I  mean who wants to throw thier life away woking all day not being able to see there family ? me either but as of right now its necassary because the fucking goverment wants us to slave for little to nothing to be able to provide for our familys.

Well im trying to find something to supplament my cash flow and keep me afloat so I can spend time with my family and I have 2 options its just getting one to work for me being that im just so busy.

option 1 selling roadside assistance pays 80.00 per referral

or option 2
which pays 20.00 per referral and is free

both have great potential to supplement for one of my jobs even give me the power to quit my jobs and work from home and im determined to make 1 work if not both.

but any who thats whats been up and im just stating the obvious.

working 2 jobs to survive in this economy sucks. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hello ladies and Gents, The reason I decided to write this blog post is to touch on the new website I found which is which is another outlet for MCA motor club of America roadside service. The reason I found this website interesting is because when I typed in this is the first result I encountered out of 18,200,000 results so I was instantly drawn in by its presence in the search results, long story short after doing some research on the company Motor Club of America I was drawn back to the website after finding out the company had a long standing reputation.

Afterwards I enjoyed the video that explained the service of the company which is roadside, but not just roadside, I will let the video of the Mca presentation explain please click link to watch video

Now after witnessing this presentation I was immediately compelled to gather more information and that's just what I did after watching the next video on Mca History I was Ready to purchase my Mca Total Package which was 39.99 for the first month and last month and just 19.99 a month every month afterward. Which might I add for the same service as AAA roadside I was saving 50.00 a month now that's a deal. If your sold jump in now and purchase your Total security Package now, heres my repersentative hes very helpful.

If not here are some of the services they offer which are great.

They also offer 2 more packages which are

Now this concludes my review, I believe this site is crucial, on a scale of 1 to 10
I give 9.5 because I am astounded with the service I receive,150,000 in benefits from the best roadside package in the Us and Canada I love my service with Mca